Kirli Saunders (OAM) is a proud Gunai Woman and award-winning author, multidisciplinary artist and consultant. An experienced speaker and facilitator advocating for the environment and equality, Kirli was the NSW Aboriginal Woman of the Year (2020). In 2022, she was awarded an Order of Australia Medal for her contribution to the arts. Her books among others include Bindi, Our Dreaming and forthcoming Returning (2023, Magabala). Her play, Going Home, directed by Shari Sebbens will take the stage in 2024, with a second development in 2023. She is currently writing her anticipated novel, Yaraman assisted by AUSCO. Kirli Saunders’ debut poetry collection is a pleasure to lose yourself in. Kirli has a keen eye for observation, humour and big themes that surround Love/Connection/Loss in an engaging style, complemented by evocative and poignant imagery. It talks to identity, culture, community and the role of Earth as healer. Kindred has the ability to grab hold of the personal in the universal and reflect this back to the reader.